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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Beyond Fast ForWord: Growth

It is now July of 2013 and my DD's growth from the program is still strong!  She still struggles with listening accuracy with specific sounds (/i/ and /e/) that we are targeting with a great speech program called LiPS that the Consultant highly recommended.  With that said, it has not slowed her overall reading fluency down and this program teaches her to feel the sound and the correct mouth/tongue placement.  Her previous strategy was to give up or stare at the page.  Big improvement with the auditory word recognition and phonological memory!  

The Consultant also said to continue with her music instruction as the piano will continue to improve her listening accuracy and auditory sequencing.  Both of the Consultant's recommendations have continued to develop her skills after Fast ForWard.

Her sustained attention continues to improve slowly as she gains more and more confidence in her new abilities.  Her previous "can'ts" have hurt her desire to try things that were difficult for her prior to the program.  I'm truly amazed at how well and quickly she is reading now, even though she will only read the first page of any book.  It will take time for her to trust her own abilities again.

I also have to note that her ability to comprehend numeracy greatly improved after the program.  It was immediate.  It was like her brain just didn't have to work at pulling out the names for what the "number picture" was on the page or in conversation.  She went from one on one coaching to her telling me what every number she saw was called!  "It's 77 degrees out today," "It has been 30 minutes," and on and on!  And, she could read all the directions in her course work to herself in order to complete an activity!!!!!  (This was huge for us!)  She could follow her own directions!

I just can't say enough good things about Fast ForWard as it changed not only my DD's quality of life, but ours as well.

Thank you for following our journey!