- How much note taking I want to do
- cost of photocopying # pages/diagrams for continued reference
- amount of reusable activities or charts
Here are my overall Top 5 "purchase" book recommendations and links
- "There are 8 fundamental systems, or components, of learning that draw on a variety of neurodevelopmental capacitites....(to) develop effective strategies to work through or around these weaknesses" (book flap)
- amazon.com
- Mel Levine's website allkindsofminds.org
- Dyslexia as a processing system, with 4 major strengths detailed (MIND strengths)
- amazon.com
- http://neurolearning.com/
- Table of Contents online: amazon.com
- details the theories, models, practices and assessments
- Table Of Contents online: amazon.com
- Author's website: radteach.com
- amazon.com
- Also wrote Smart But Scattered online table of contents
- excellent assessments with target skill treatment plans outlined